So, I am getting used to the blogging thing and for some reason, my last one was deleted so I had to go through the entire process once again but I got to keep my name so that's good. Yesterday I met with Dr. Wild who will be doing the Cesarean. He is also the doctor that was attending to me while I was in the hospital. When we met yesterday he told me that after seeing me in the hospital he didn't think I would make it close to term. That made me feel very good about the boring life I've led the past month and a half. I know that being on bed rest has certainly given Ava the time she needs to develop and be a happy little baby when she arrives. I also feel very fortunate that our doctors have been so up front with us and were honest about the hurdles I would have to overcome to have her naturally. I have heard so many horror stories of people going through hours and hours of labor only to have a C-Section that most doctors probably could have started earlier.
One of the worries Nick and I have had are the introduction of Ava to Brice and Camille. We call it "Baby/Puppy Relations" and have been doing our fair share of research on the subject. I have gotten a lot of good advice including some from my friend Natalie that just had a baby and also has a pit bull. She suggested using Ava's name as much as possible as well as carrying a doll in our arms so they get used to it. Some other things we will do is bring home a blanket from the hospital that has her scent on it so they can get used to her smell. The biggest motivators for our pups are "Cookies" which we will give to them while she is in our arms and they are behaving so they associate Ava and good behavior with treats.
Brice has always been a mama's boy but he certainly has taken it to a new level during the pregnancy. He is very protective of me but in a good way. Anytime he thinks I'm upset or not feeling well, he is by my side immediately. Scenes like this are the norm as well as him resting his head on Ava's "House". Cami is also very protective but she is more of our guard dog and now barks at any little sound she hears outside. You can tell they know something is going on and are just waiting on it to happen.
I feel like there are so many things to prepare for and I've worked very hard at making sure I've done what I can but I know there will be things that are overlooked or just unknown at this point but I've figured out I can't concern myself with those things. Now it's just the waiting game....
Hey May! I <3 that you now have a blog, and I am so excited that you are having a little girl! I hope for the best with the Baby/Puppy relations, and I'm sure they will end up being just as protective of Ava as they are of you. Love you!