Ava has always been a fussy sleeper. She would wiggle her way out of swaddling so Nick and I assumed she didnt like it. Since Nick has been out of school, he has taken the night shift feedings (11 and 2) and Ava does not want to settle down after her 2 am feeding. She wants to be held until she falls asleep and then she doesn't want to be put in her bassinet and will cry. Needless to say, this is frustrating for all parties involved. Nick swaddled her the other night in a last ditch effort and she fell asleep after a short cry. This is much easier for him- I can't stand to hear her cry at all and want to pick her up and kiss her every time. Nick, being the teacher, says "We're not teaching her anything when we do that". As upsetting as it is for me, I know he has a point but it's still hard.
Upon the advice of a friend, I have read "On Becoming Babywise" which is controversial but we are trying to follow it as closely as possible. At 3 weeks old, it's difficult to follow it exactly but we are working hard on her "Eat, Wake, Sleep" pattern during the day.
Nick has taken to fatherhood so well. She is definitely going to be a Daddy's Girl. As soon as he walks in the room, she is wide-eyed, looking for him. He instantly picks her up and talks to her. He dances and sings to her, reads to her and he gives her the best baths. There really isn't anything he won't do for her which is amazing since we've all heard husbands say "I'm not changing diapers". I am very lucky that he's so hands on with her.
At her 2 week checkup, we found out that she is in the 90th percentile for her height (21.25 in.) and around the 60th for her weight (9lbs 3 oz.). She is definitely taking after Daddy with her height! I'm sure he is excited to put a basketball in her hands but I suggested volleyball.
Here are some pictures of sweet Ava through the 3 weeks.
This is Ava Claire day 1. This is our "Human Time". The nurse said "Babies want human time too" and it stuck. We still call it that. It's basically Skin to Skin contact to make her feel safe.
Ava's first professional picture. She's such a ham!
3 weeks old! Wearing her Beatles onesie.
Amanda, she is just absolutely precious!