Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Is it 4 am or 4 pm? Guess what? Ava doesn't know!!!

Let me preface this entire post by saying I love my daughter more than life itself and there is nothing I wouldn't do to make her life better.  That being said, I'd like to make mine and Nick's life exponentially better by her sleeping... at the correct times... in the correct place.
Ava enjoys sleeping just as much as her mommy and daddy, just at the wrong times and in the wrong increments.  She enjoys napping continuously through the day and staying up begging anyone that will listen to hold her at night where she sometimes falls asleep on our chests and then wails when we put her in her crib.  We try keeping her up during the day but that has become difficult since we have no sleep from the night before and we thank God for a nap.
Nick and I are champion sleepers as many of you know.  It's a rare breed in the human race to be as in tune to sleeping as Nick and I are and we were very fortunate to find one another.  We felt when we procreated that our offspring would also appreciate a good 4 hour nap here and there and still be down to fall asleep for a good 9 to 10 hours at the appropriate time.  When sweet Talyse recommended "Babywise" to me, I thought "Oh, that's for parent's that don't have our champion bloodline" but went out and bought the book anyways.  While reading the book, I would laugh at the 2 "children" they fictitiously created in order to give you the most absurd scenarios in baby sleeping.... or so I thought.  Ava is that naughty little child whose parents are up all night, stressed, making 3 am deals with God that get increasingly desperate as the night goes on (just last night I said that I would watch nothing but the BYU channel on TV if she would just fall asleep- now looking back, I am thankful she did not).
Considering my entire profession is dedicated to infant development, you would think I would have the secret to this.  Now, I know she is only 5 weeks old but, again, how can you come from sleepers like us and not want to sleep constantly.  Heck, I would LOVE to be an infant again just to have the excuse to sleep ALL DAY LONG.  Does this child not realize how LUCKY she is to have this option???? Infants are so ungrateful. Nick mentioned to me the other night that Samuel L. Jackson does the audio for a children's book called "Go the *&%# to Sleep".  This for some reason made me very happy that I am clearly not the only parent that begs for their child to just sleep.  In an interview on the book, he said "I used to say that to my girl all the time when I'd try to get her to go to sleep.  They say reading helps but it doesn't. I'd tell her "Go the F*** to sleep baby" and she would say "Go the F*** to sleep Daddy?" and I'd say "Yes. Go the F*** to sleep".  Encouragement for us all... until I realized this child could talk and still wasn't sleeping.


  1. hahahahaha I love this post. You always were a great sleeper, s'true. Hope she starts sleeping more appropriately soon! <3

  2. I love reading your blog. It is so entertaining!
